Sponsor a Child

For as little as $30 a month, you can participate in the transformation of a child’s life. To learn more about our sponsorship program, please continue to read below.





By sponsoring one of the children or adolescents cared for in our programs, you help a child that otherwise would be without hope, without opportunity, without future, find all of these and so much more. Your support not only helps meet the basic needs of your child, it also benefits the project and community they are a part of. You can read summary profiles of all of our children by visiting our child sponsorship gallery.

Where our kids come from

We work with children who have no other means of support and thus live in a center for orphaned or abandoned children, with adolescents who have grown up on the streets and face a tough road to recovery, with HIV positive babies and infants who already feel the painful sting of discrimination.

As a Sponsor

You will be matched with a beautiful Bolivian child. You will receive a color photograph of your child as well as his or her personal history and information about the program they are a part of.

Every year you will receive a new photo and an update on the progress of your sponsored child and their program. You will also receive regular updates from our foundation on all of our programs with children in Bolivia.

As a Sponsored Child, your child will

  • live as a family with other children and NCV staff in a lovely, safe residential-style home
  • Receive good medical and dental care
  • Eat 3 meals a day
  • Receive school supplies and professional tutoring
  • Participate in program and community activities
  • Get psychological counseling, spiritual guidance, and the help of a social worker
  • Learn skills that will open up opportunities in the future
  • Most importantly, be loved by an incredible team of Bolivian staff
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