Niños con Valor (Children with Value) is seeking funding to help with the creation of a unique childcare community in the city of Cochabamba, Bolivia. To give into our capital fund to purchase land, click here and select “Ciudadela Niños con Valor” when indicating how to direct your gift. This pilot project, called Ciudadela Niños con Valor (CNCV), will focus on the integration for children living with special needs into regular care structures, placing a specific emphasis on children who have been affected by HIV/AIDS. Children at CNCV will receive outstanding holistic attention and be cared for and loved by a staff that is committed to teaching these children their value as children of God. Our project will provide urgently needed care to children who have been neglected and discriminated against, offer unique training to the communities and parents living in the area surrounding the center, as well as serve as a pilot and a model to increase services available to children with special needs and who are HIV positive. The illustration below offers an idea of all that will eventually be included in this model community.



(a) Daycare for children 0-5 years old

(b) Baby Home for children 0-5 years old

(c) Homes for Boys, Girls and Adolescents 5-18 years old

(d) Temporary Residence for Single Mothers

(e) Children’s Hospice

(f) Community Center

(g) Volunteer Quarters

(h) Administrative and Health Care Offices

(i) Therapeutic Aquatic Center

(j) Agricultural Area

(k) Recreational Field